Friday, September 12, 2014

Life in Pictures: Wisconsin

Welcome to my very first Life in Pictures Link Up!
Last week, I was invited by Linda to join the Life In Pictures Link Up. Basically, it's a bunch of pictures from your day or week with as little text as possible. Click on the graphic below to access the link up! 

I normally don't do much of anything super interesting on a daily, so I thought I would show you all some pictures of my vacation I took in Wisconsin last week! Can you all guess where in Wisconsin I was?

Fit Fed and Happy

Well that's it! I hope you enjoyed the pictures! This is my first link up ever, so sorry, Linda if I did it wrong, and thank you all for reading looking! Comment below what you think!
<3 Danielle


  1. Thanks for linking up with us! I had no idea Wisconsin was so beautiful!!

    1. Thanks for commenting! Sometimes, you don't see beauty (in places like Wisconsin) unless you really look hard for it!

  2. I have no idea where in Wisconsin you were, but this I know: It was gorgeous! Looks so relaxing!

    1. Thank you! It definitely was relaxing; it's great to take a break of life once in a while!

  3. Looks like you hiked around the pond around sunset? I could make these pictures my wallpaper, theyre that perfect.


    1. Pretty much, it was Lake Michigan! Thanks, Linda, for inviting me to do this!

  4. I have a friend who goes there for med school (not entirely sure where in Wisconsin though)...I've never been there myself and had no idea it was so pretty out there! :O!


    1. Cool! Wisconsin does have some pretty nice schools. It is a beautiful state, especially by Lake Michigan!

  5. Welcome to the linkup!! Great pics :)
